Dvir Cohen

Most people do not get to realize their own mortality until they are ancient. I did not get this luxury, but my experiences have made me stronger for it. When I turned 18, I was in the Israeli military Special Forces and perfectly fit. By February 2003, I was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer and was sure I would die.

The highlight of my experience in the hospital was creating a significant charity event for my organization, Bring Happy. During my time in and out of hospitals, I met many people, especially children, who were sick. Some were going to survive; others were not. Occasionally, a group of Orthodox teenager volunteers would sit with the children, help comfort them during their treatments, and serve candies. Because of them, I realized that the love of others is a principle that unites us as humans. According to this principle, we are all connected beyond the socioeconomic differences that separate us. This was my first experience running a nonprofit organization and the gateway to a life centered around service and helping those who need it most. I live in order to carry the chain links further, just as in a baton race. I must never extinguish that flame.

Since 2005, "Bring Happy" has advanced, influenced, and changed volunteering in Israel, particularly in children's hospitals. Our nonprofit organization is dedicated to bringing joy and happiness to sick children in hospitals through organizing various events and activities such as art and craft workshops, storytelling sessions, and music concerts. Their goal is to provide a positive and uplifting environment for the children, helping to alleviate the stress and anxiety that often comes with being hospitalized. We held events for over 200 sick children and threw events that united people from different backgrounds by focusing on what we could do to help the sick children. In Israel, our events provided an environment where Palestinians and Israelis came together in peace, irrespective of religion and regional ties.

During the course of my life, I have coped with extraordinary circumstances, become strengthened by them, learned and developed in ways that have led me to become the person I am now. Whether it was navigating a complex work environment or trying to break into a competitive field, I've learned to use these experiences as opportunities for learning and growth. By staying focused on my goals and persisting in the face of challenges, I've been able to achieve many of the things I once thought were impossible. Overall, I believe that the challenges and hardships we face in life can ultimately make us stronger, more resilient, and more compassionate individuals. While it's never easy to face difficult circumstances, I'm grateful for the opportunities they've given me to learn and develop as a person. To visit our page please click below:

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